Thursday, 9 December 2010

Back to reality...........

Well, here we are; the backpacks have been unpacked, de sanded and disinfected.  All our holiday clothes have been washed, ironed and put away.  The wine rack has been restocked and the kitchen cupboards and fridge/freezer are all now full again.   I’ve just about dealt with all of our post and the accounts are almost up-to-date. Our holiday has been and gone, the tans are fading and only a few days back, already it seems like a lifetime ago.  It’s very nice to go away but boy is there a lot of stuff to sort when you get home.  I’m posting with the last photographs from Goa which has literally taken me ages to get off the SD card.  Unfortunately I think I’ve lost a few along the way and I think today I must go to the camera shop to get both the cameras sorted once and for all.

Phil was great on holiday, driving the bike safely and skilfully, organising all the hotel accommodation, fetching supplies and paying for drinks, meals and tipping all the waiting staff.  He did a sterling job with the blog, managing to post almost every day which believe me, wasn’t easy; he had to persevere especially with all the problems we had with the camera. I don’t why it is, but we automatically go into role reverse when we’re away, I go into useless wife syndrome and Phil takes over completely.  I quite like it actually but as soon as we get back to the UK everything reverts back to normal.

We had a good time in Goa, we met loads of interesting people and made many promises that we would keep in touch and go back in the spring.   I know one should never “say never” but I think Phil & I have came to the same conclusion at the end of the holiday that we really have overdone Goa and it’s now time to try other places in the world.  

It’s been hard getting used to the UK weather and we have really been freezing our socks off.  The central heating has been turned up to full whack constantly since Sunday and Phil has even allowed me to put on the under floor heating in the kitchen in the mornings.  This has been great because since we’ve been home yours truly but has been up by between 3 and 4am every morning.   Unfortunately each morning I seem to have disturbed Phil and he’s trundled down the stairs not long after me.  We have been so cold we are going to bed in our pj’s and yesterday I had to go out and buy a hot water bottle.  Our boiler doesn’t seem to be very efficient and even though Phil has opened all the values to clear the air, it still doesn’t seem very warm in our house.   We’ve been sitting in the lounge in the evenings, with blankets on our laps with the fan heater blowing hot air on our feet.   I feel so silly now for complaining about the weather in Goa, not having been around for many UK winters over the last few years, I think we have forgotten just how cold it can get.

Poor Phil has had a stinking cold and cough all week; he really is not very well and it’s been a struggle for him starting his new contract on Tuesday.  I think really he should have stayed home but with a brand new contract this just wasn’t an option.  I have been dosing him up with paracetamol and lemsips so hopefully he will start to feel better by the weekend.   Phil’s new job is in Linford Wood, only few minutes away and he says that the company is very nice.  He is working with a guy called Rob that he worked with a few years back so at least he’s got someone that he knows.  I’m sure it will become a little easier once he gets stuck into the project and his cold goes away.

Today I am going to try a workout at the gym which will be my first time for a month.  The good news is that I haven’t put on a single pound whilst I have been away and neither has Phil.  Trouble is I’ve woken up this morning with the sniffles and a sore throat.  I’m sipping Lemsip as I type and hopefully it won’t come to anything.  I can’t afford to be ill right now, I’ve got a list as long as your arm and then I need to get my Christmas hat on.

Last photographs from Goa;

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