Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Nearly time to fly away..........

Wasn't the weather bloody awful on Monday?   I pulled open the blinds first thing to be met by grey skies and pouring rain.  I got soaked putting out the rubbish sacks, I got soaked bringing my blue bottle bin back which the bin men had kindly kicked half way down the road and I got soaked whilst walking from the purple parking zone en route to the library to return Phil’s books.   Nightmare!  It made me feel very grateful that tomorrow we are flying off to India.  Although I say that tongue in cheek because Phil has been watching the weather in Goa very carefully and the rains are back; in fact, the weather all over Asia is fairly freaky at the moment and the forecast, albeit in temperatures of 30+ indicate heavy rains until at least next Sunday.  I am intrigued to be able to witness the tail end of the monsoon season first hand but if it carries on for much longer I am not going to be a happy bunny.  Still, with temperatures dipping, at least it’s not going to be nowhere near as cold as the UK and the worst case scenario, is that we will be watching the sun go down with a cocktail or two with soggy flip-flops and soggy sand beneath our feet.  Bring it on!!!

Although we woke up early, it was stress from the moment go on Tuesday morning.  Phil opened up an email from the crap new solicitor who is proving to be more lazy and incompetent than words can say and we realise now, just how much we miss Sally, our independent solicitor that we’ve been with for the last 12 years.  The solicitor (whom I won’t name for the moment) sent an email to Phil wanting information that he should have asked for 2 months ago.  Phil was livid, to put it mildly; the solicitor was asking for details of all our mortgages along with account details and amounts outstanding; now our portfolio is not massive but it is complicated and it’s wasn’t easy to dig out the information in less than one hour.  I helped Phil as best as I could because I am responsible for our filing system and he doesn’t have a clue where everything is stored, but time was of the essence, and in the end I had to jump in the shower and go to the garage and get the KA cleaned.   When I returned Phil had all the stuff for the solicitor prepared and ready to post, thank goodness; he quickly showered and we left home at around quarter past ten in two cars to travel to Melton to say goodbye to Phil’s mum and dad.  

On route we stopped off at Roade to leave the Ford KA in G’s drive and posted the key through the letter box.  I was sad but there was no time to say an emotional goodbye to my lovely red car but I did have time to take one last photo.  The KA maybe an old rust bucket (just like me) but me and her have had some good times over the years; she has rarely let me down and I will miss her.  God how sad does that make me sound?  I know I’m lucky enough to have the use of step-dads Ford Fiesta for the next 4 months form which I am grateful, the Fiesta BTW is a dream to drive but I’m not a very good driver and I worry that I may damage her and this makes me even the more nervous.  Another nightmare!!!!

Anyway, the traffic wasn’t too bad and we made it to Melton to schedule, stopping off at the fish shop to get place and chips x 2.   Phil’s mum is really struggling with her arthritis, her pills are not right and we didn’t want her to wear herself out making us a big lunch.  When we arrived, she had the minted peas and bread and butter all ready along with a pot of tea, served in their best china cups, and a very nice lunch it was too.  My lovely mum-in-law had also made homemade apple crumble and custard and even I had a bit.  George fell asleep after the washing up, I washed, he dried, but that was fine, it was nice to see them both.  After lunch, it was the Sun crossword (their paper choice BTW not mine) followed by mid afternoon tea and homemade cake and then goodbyes.  The will be the last time we will see them until after our holidays. 

And so here we are today; our last day at home before setting off for our holidays very early tomorrow morning.  The back packs are packed, well they have been for 3 weeks, but unfortunately I need to unpack them, because I can’t for the life of me remember what I have, or haven’t packed.   We had intended to only take one back pack, it would have been tight, but we would have managed.  Travelling with two back packs and 2 ruck sacks on the back of a motorbike defies every rule of health and safety (believe me I have been there and worn the t-shirt) but when Phil booked they made him pay for 2 bags so we are taking 2.   Why not? At least that gives us the comfort of taking some luxuries on board.  I’m not sure what Phil’s luxuries will include but mine are as follows:  one double sheet, 2 pure cotton pillow cases, 1 travel kettle along with tea bags and my ‘Fab Ab’ exercise book; if I didn’t have the burden of carrying my own back pack I would be tempted to slipping in my dumb bells but this would be way too sad.  I can improvise with filled water bottles and at least they are consumable.

There is much to do today and I’m not sure we will get it all done in the time frame available.  I’d very much like one last blast in the gym but this is unlikely because the hospital phoned on Monday afternoon inviting Phil for a biopsy at 10.50am today. I tried to postpone the appointment (honestly Phil I did) but they weren’t buying it; apparently the GP insisted on a one week referral and well, if we’d have declined the appointment it would have had to go back to the GP. Phil wasn’t around and so I had to take the decision. Naturally Phil wasn’t overjoyed, he is a little afraid of what the biopsy will entail which is only understandable, but there is no going back now and I need to get my boy sorted, even if he doesn’t like it. 

This is the last post from me; I know my DH has one up his sleeve, drafted in readiness for take off tomorrow but I haven’t read it so I can’t offer any hindsight.  Unfortunately we have to take liberties with HH and she has said she will get up early and drop us off at Campbell Park in readiness to pick up the National Coach at 7.20am.   I have to confess, I messed up with the booking and we are travelling via Victoria station.  I tried to rebook but this incurred a £25 amendment charge not to mention having to go on an earlier coach leaving at 6 am so I declined.  So instead, we are jumping off with back packs at Victoria and are catching a pre booked train at 10.30 am which will take us to the South terminal at Gatwick.   It sounds tedious and it will be but I’m sure it will be all worth it and I know once my grumpy old husband feels the sand between his toes and is sipping a cocktail whilst watching the fisherman bring in their nets, it will certainly be worth the long journey.


Emma said...

hope you have a wonderful holiday, look forward to reading your blogs whilst you are away x

Claire said...

Thx Emma; hope Jason's arm is better. I saw he was off work today so wish him a speedy recovery from us x

The Ford Family said...

I hope you have a wonderful time and look forward to catching up when you get back. Vxxx

Claire said...

Thanks Vanessa; you must also tell me all about your holiday in Istanbul. Cxxxx

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