North north Goa
First of all apologies for the lack of pictures today. Claire brought her digital camera but broke it the first day. I had all that trouble with my SD card and had to but another one. As Claire has published a blog today I didn’t
download and photos yesterday leaving it until today where I would have downloaded 2 days. We picked up a nice motor bike with proper gears so it went fast but I had trouble with the gears as they kept changing on their own. Yesterday we drove north to Anjuna beach and then onto Morjim beach, had a nice swim and lunch early before riding back. Today we headed off to Arambol beach, had lunch the carried on to the very north of north Goa at Querim beach. I took some amazing pictures of everywhere but stopped to let Claire off the bike so she could take a picture
of me on the bike. She took two, but the camera hasn’t worked since. As it seemed t
o still take pictures it was the viewing screen that wasn’t working so I carried on taking more in the hope that I could recover even the ones since it stopped working. Claire has published her blog and given me the SD card back and its completely empty so I have even lost yesterdays photos as well The only camera that I have left is on my i-phone but cant get the pictures to my computer without wi-fi and connecting my phone and paying the very e
xpensive roaming charges. Claire is not touching my i-phone.
The bike has now gone back and we intend to travel south tomorrow
morning and look for a new hotel. We have enjoyed the north much more than the other times that we have been here, it’s only really Calangute where we are staying that we don’t like much. The north of north Goa is really lovely and also very quiet but you will have to use your imagination to picture the deserted palm f
ringed beaches. If I get time tomorrow I will pinch a few from the internet just to cheer the blog up a little. Although I took a few on my i-phone just in case I never took any of the bike. It was a Harley
Davidson with chopper handlebars very much like the Easy Rider one but I didn’t feel very “born to be wild”.
We had another heavy night again last night meeting up with our new friends, Terry, Mike, Bob and Terry’s brother. 3.30 am we got to
bed again they are a bad influence to us. And guess what? All the photos that I took last night have gone. Just spoken to them on the way in and they were fishing all day off Querim beach and their wives were sunbathing but we didn’t see them. They have invited us for dinner with them tonight as the hotel will cook the giant fish that Bob caught. I thought whaling was banned. It’s a small world in North Go
a. Did I mention that my camera is not working?
I almost completely missed the qualifying on Saturday just catching the last 5 minutes of Q3 and then missed the first 8 minutes of the race because our taxi
driver didn’t know his way around; I had to get him to drop us off and get another taxi. What a result though, I can hardly believe it but what happened to Mark? I will have to watch the recording when I get home for proper commentary and the bui
ld up. No more racing until next year now and it’s the very first Indian GP next year; I hope we manage to get back here again.
You are all probably a little confused right now as there are pictures
published on this entry; I will explain. I tried the battery from my camera in Claire’s and it works so at least we can take photos from here on in. But then I tried my SD card in Claire’s camera and all the pictures are still there but I can’t vi
ew them on my camera because the screen has gone. Strangely I can’t view them on my computer either so not sure why that is. Anyway, I copied half of the pictures from my SD card to Claire’s memory, then from
Claire’s memory to Claire’s SD card. I then deleted everything from Claire’s memory and all the ones that had copied from my SD card and copied the other half to Claire’s SD card. I could then copy all the photos
from my camera from Claire’s SD card finally onto my computer. Are you following? I decided not to delete the previous draft so you could see in real time what problems we have been having. Oh, and you probably noticed that it wasn’t a Harley Davidson but I though that you would never know. Sorry for ever doubting you Claire! Got to go now, I can smell that fish cooking.

Phil, if you've got your iphone to USB lead you should be able to see your photos in explorer and drag them into your computer files.
Just love that picture of you on the bike. Hairy bikers eat your heart out!
Jim's suggestion is good - if you do not have your lead then try turning bluetooth on for your laptop and iPhone.
Great ideas guys, thanks. I tried to get the photos to sync with i-tunes at home without success but will give it another go. Can I use explorer to copy files in the normal way between i-phone and pc? Claire's camera is a nightmare; it keeps flashing from one scene to another and switching off so don't think it will last much longer anyway.
Yes Phil, you can use explorer without itunes.
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