Friday, 3 September 2010

One Wedding and a Funeral

Yesterday was a very sad day indeed as it was the day of Jessica’s funeral.  It took place at 10am at the crematorium in Crown Hill.  I arrived at quarter to ten and the car park was already full so I had to park on the roadside.  It was bitter sweet but the sun was shining and I always think that the sun always shines on the good who then go to heaven.   I was a little anxious about attending the funeral by myself and I did think briefly about dibbing out but if we all did this then funerals would be very sad occasions.  Besides, I needed to say goodbye and pay my respects to Ian, her husband and her family.  I was glad I went; there were so many people, we had to queue and cram all in just to get a seat.  Jess would have appreciated that.  I soon linked up with Kirstie, Jean, Julie and Christine so I wasn’t alone for long.  The service in the chapel was lovely and just so Jess.   It was painful to see the suffering of Jess’s husband and her siblings but the tributes were loving and funny and although I did shed some tears throughout, I was glad I was also able to remember Jess as she was before she was diagnosed with cancer, kind, big hearted, solid, strong yet vulnerable, a dignified lady with a passion for life who wouldn’t stand for any crap. 

I went to the Rose & Crown with the others for the wake.   It was Jess’s wish that her friends be served with champagne and it was the real stuff too, not any of your cheap Cava, which was so typical of Jess.  I think I said a few weeks back that the OU felt like another life but you know what, in that chapel with me and the old OUBS gang it was like being with family.  There is not doubt she will be missed.  Jess was only 59 when she died with a whole happy future ahead of her, retirement in her new house in Portugal near the sea and the golf course.  It’s so sad, such a waste and such tragedy which couldn’t have befallen a more unworthy person.   I guess my message to you all today, is you only get one life, so life it and live it to the full because you just never know what shit is waiting for just around the corner. 

I had to leave Jess’s wake after an hour which was probably just as well because I was just in the mood to get drunk but I was driving and had arranged to meet Jan back at the OU Business School for a coffee.  I was glad that I had the hindsight to arrange this, because I really didn’t feel like going home and Jan is always good girlfriend therapy.   She is a good listener and always offers moral support but will always tell you if you are on the wrong track. After our catch up I debated briefly whether to walk round Willen Lake but then figured this would be too sad by myself especially as if I walked the two lakes then I’d have to walk past the hospice.  Instead I filled the Land Rover with fuel and headed home.  I had planned to go to the gym but just wasn’t in the mood so once back at home, I did as Claire always does when she has time and doesn’t know what to with herself and cleaned.  I hosed down the Land Rover and then got to work cleaning the inside of the conservatory windows.  To be honest, my mood was way low and if hadn’t been for the fact that I had an exfoliation and a spray booked at 4pm then I would have easily (and happily I might add) opened a bottle of the reduced rate Co-Op wine.   BUT cleaning is good for the soul and the mind and I easily wasted a couple of hours. 

The exfoliation was not thorough, a bit of a waste of money if you ask me, but the spray tan was good. I’ve only ever had one in a machine before and it was a disaster so this experience all in all was a good one; I’d definitely have it done again for a special occasion.   Thankfully Phil was home at 5pm which was good because I really needed a hug and a friendly, smiley face.  He saw my fake bake and thought I’d been out in the garden sunbathing, chance would be a fine thing but at least he’d noticed that I’d had something done! Lol………..

Today I have a big shop at Mr Tesco, followed by a big session in the gym because I missed yesterday. Yes, you’re right, I’m a gym addict these days but then, there are worse things that you can become addicted too.  I also need to go to the market which is real trauma for me because of the wasps flying around the fruit.  I also need to pack our bags in readiness for Ed & Sarah’s wedding.  I love weddings and I’m really looking forward to seeing the son of one of our good friends tie the knot.    I want to look my best,   I’ve got the dress, the shoes and the handbag; I’ve been exfoliated and spray tanned.  I’ve shaved, waxed and spent ages yesterday plucking out my surplus nose hair.  So I think I’m just about ready for the celebrations.  Let’s just hope the sun shines and that a good time is had by all. 

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