Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Boring Boring Boring

I am having a fairly dull week thus far; after all the excitement of the wedding at the weekend it’s all been a bit of an anti climax.   I still wasn’t feeling myself so I stayed at home for most of the day on Monday, only venturing out for bread for Phil’s sandwiches.  I didn’t even make it to the gym.  I was still feeling knackered and didn’t help myself when I swallowed two of Phil’s diabetes tablets, having mistaken them for Aspirin.   One of the side affects of this drug (Metformin) is that when you first take it, it upsets your stomach.  Sure enough, come lunchtime I was in and out the toilet for most of the afternoon.   My mood was low and I felt like hiding away.  It didn’t help with the miserable wet weather.  I think come the weekend it’s time to dismantle the patio furniture and put it away in readiness for the winter. Joy, not!

One good thing that happened was that, not long after posting Monday’s blog was that I found Phil’s new digital camera.  It turns out that he didn’t leave it in the bar at Highgate House after all.   I accidentally found the camera when I picked up the shorts that he was wearing on Sunday morning and just happened to check the pockets before dumping them in the laundry basket.   He completely forgot putting his camera in his side pocket, which is, if you ask me a real senile moment!  The search in the wedding room and a long chat with the receptionist was all in vain and I had to phone up on Monday afternoon to apologise and say that we had found the camera.  She must have thought we were crazy.  Crazy yes and middle aged, sleep deprived and also very hung over! All self induced of course so I don’t expect any sympathy.  

Whilst we were at the wedding reception sometime in the early hours of Sunday morning, Phil ran out of cash.  He was able to put some of the drinks orders on our room but not after midnight and the he vaguely remembered that somebody kindly let him some cash.   Unfortunately he wasn’t 100% who that person was, but on further questioning he was fairly confident that it was Daren from Robinsons.  However when Harriet dropped off £20 and a note of thanks off at Daren’s restaurant when she picked up Jade from Newport, Daren said he didn’t lend him any money but he did Phil buy quite a few drinks so he kept the cash anyway!  Fair play to him, I would hate him to think we’re a couple of freeloaders, but now, I worry who did actually lend Phil money and if he can’t remember then how can we repay them?  Phil suspects that it may have been Rett that slipped twenty quid into his top pocket but Rett and Corrin flew back to LA yesterday so how can we pay them back.  Oh dear, we are really showing our age these days!

Thankfully I was feeling much better on Tuesday morning although I was still feeling knackered but after two lazy days it was essential that I got my act together.   I dropped Harriet off at work as her car was in the garage for its MOT.  I then took myself off to the gym which was a good thing because I hadn’t been since Saturday.   The body didn’t let me down and I managed a reasonable workout.  Afterwards I came back home to sort out paperwork.  Our renewal paperwork came through for the house insurance and seemed rather high to me so I did a bit of price comparisons on the net and found a policy for half the price.  Very often with these sorts of things I tend to just renew as it’s easier but I think in future, I am going to have to look at these sorts of things more closely.  Laziness can cost you money and we don’t have much of that lying around at this moment in time.

I realised that Harriet was stuck at work with no car yesterday lunchtime so I phoned and arranged to meet her with some bacon sandwiches from home, for which she was most grateful.   We decided to drive to Tesco’s at Kingston to have a look at their clothing sale because I had a ‘money off’ voucher.  I didn’t find anything for myself but HH found a bargain pair of party shoes for a fiver so she was very pleased.  She wasn’t so pleased when her car failed its MOT later in the day and will cost her £££££ to pass.  After dropping her back off at work I zipped to the city centre to buy a raincoat.  I have several coats but none with a hood and I understand heavy rains are forecast for all week.  Luckily I found a cheap one, it’s not great but at least it will stop me from getting soaked.

Poor Phil has had a tough week.  He struggled to get up on Monday morning and didn’t get home until half past seven.   Harriet wanted dropping off at the city centre so he very kindly dropped her and her friend Jade off at a bar so by the time he’d done taxi service duty, it was nearly half eight by the time to got to sit down.  It’s a busy week on his project so we were half expecting him to have to work late on Tuesday and sure enough he phoned me late afternoon to say that he would be home late.  Hopefully he should be able to finish at a reasonable hour today and then tomorrow I will be going down to stay the night with him in Abingdon which will save him a couple of journeys.  I just keep reminding him that it will NOT be forever.

Although my week has been boring, it hasn’t been particularly busy or stressful.  My housemates have been fairly undemanding and have been happy with baked spuds and fillings so I haven’t had to slave over a hot stove this week.  I’ve had a tenant without heating or hot water, also another tenant with a bathroom leak and a problem with lead flashing missing from a chimney breast and lastly, but not least, a tenant complaining of a wobbly spiral staircase due to a bee infestation to sort, but, as a landlord this is all part of the course.  I have to say, despite my many phone calls, none of these problems have been resolved.   I am at the mercy of tradesman and all I can do is sit and wait until they can fit me in. 

It’s another relatively easy one for me today, visit to Tesco first thing to spend the voucher before the cut off date, drop Harriet off at work then a workout at the gym followed by lunch then a visit to Tina, my hygienist, whom I might add, hates me with a passion. I dread any sessions with her but if I don’t want to loose any more of my teeth to gum disease then I must attend my 3 month appointments.   When I get back I shall pack the case and have an early night in readiness for my drive to Abingdon.   I really should do more to make my life more exciting.   A quick read of this back and I bore myself so god knows what I’m doing to any followers.  Clairabella’s life really does need to liven up.  That said, after a quick click on the Tools word count I can quite believe that I’ve managed 1,259 words about absolutely f@ck all, amazing.  I think it’s time for a blog from Phil.  At least his blogs are interesting, okay they may border on the weird and the wonderful but at least you are spared from the inner thoughts of a middle aged mad woman!

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