Friday, 27 August 2010

August Bank Holiday

This week seems to have flown by but I’m not sure Phil would agree.  I received an email from him this morning which I picked up before I went to the gym telling me how many minutes he had left before he could leave work for the weekend! Yesterday was a busy day with the usual 6am alarm call.  I was first out of bed because Phil had put in a special request for cray fish sandwiches with lemon mayonnaise and chopped coriander.   Apparently they supply these on his food wagon at work and he is rather partial to them.   Harriet had left a note outside my bedroom door asking me to wake her up at 6.45 on the dot. She had the day off from work and was going down to see her cousin in hospital in London.  Harriet wanted me to give her a lift to the station which meant I was late getting to the gym.  I didn’t mind really because it gave me a chance to post a quick blog whilst I was waiting for her to get ready.

I had a decent workout, popped into Asda to get a bit of shopping then I went to Surperdrug in the city centre to get my eyebrows and upper lip threaded.  They are doing a deal at the moment where you get the cheapest treatment for free.   So it only cost me ten quid which is cheap.  The beautician was good but she did hurt me.  It’s been years since I have had threading and I forgotten just how painful it is.   Still these things have to be done and a few minutes of pain are worth it.  While I was up the city centre I went and exchanged Phil’s shirt for an 18” colour white and blue stripe with a breast pocket.  It’s okay but not as nice as the pink shirt that I originally choose for him.   I had just had time for a quick sandwich at home before meeting up with Jan for a coffee in the café at the OU.  It seems weird being back in the business school, I can’t believe that I worked there for 5 years, seems like the OU was another lifetime.  My last job of the day was a visit to Fast Fit in Kingston to get the tyres checked on the KA.  Turns out that I only needed one new tyre and they topped up the air in the other three tyres.   Thursday was a quiet night.  Phil had another nightmare journey in the rain and Harriet didn’t get back in from London until 9pm.  It was lights out and early to bed for everyone in our house.

It’s no secret that me and Phil watch Big Brother although Phil is much more of a follower than me.  I usually fall asleep well before the 10pm show and generally end up watching the repeats the next day.   Series 11 has been okay, some of the tasks have been good and I’m a big fan of Josie and was really pleased that she won.  We switched on to watch Big Brother’s Little Brother last night and were really shocked to see George Lamb interviewing Josie.   It took me a few minutes to suss that she’d walked out of the Ultimate Big Brother show.   I wasn’t surprised when I heard her reasons and it’s a little sad because I don’t think I want to watch the Ultimate Big Brother show now that she’s not in it.  Who wants to watch a bunch of B celebs with their heads up their own arses nursing their already swollen egos?  Phil of course will watch the Ultimate until the bitter end.

The weather has been vile this week.  With nearly two whole days of rain day and night it was nice to wake up to see that the rain had finally abated.  I know I keep banging on about the shit summer but it gets me down, August has been horrible and cold.  I’ve had to put the heating on twice this week.  After Phil left for work this morning I went back to bed and slept until 8am.  I hadn’t reset the alarm so it was lucky that I woke in time to wake Harriet up for work.   She’d turned her alarm off and was late getting up even though I shouted her several times.  I only had time for a quick workout at the gym this morning because I had to get back to tackle the housework.  It’s all done now. The house is clean, I’ve changed both beds and there is plenty of food in the cupboards.  Phil is back from work and is finished for the weekend.  He’s already done his paperwork and in a minute or two we’re off for a walk along the canal to the pub for a pint to celebrate the start of the long weekend.  

Happy Bank holiday weekend everyone, lets hope the rain stays away.


Emma said...

i put my heating on this morning as i was freezing. But by lunchtime it had warmed up enough to have my car's roof down, but unfortunately i had so much shopping and boxes in the boot that there was no room at all for the roof so it had to stay up :(

Geoff Jordan said...

Happy Birthday Phil. Turning 55 in Aus is a big deal! discounts and yes access to those 'retirement villages' I'm only 6 yrs away, but I can wait.

Just as well that Victorian highway Policeman didn't catch you passing all those cars. I'm having trouble how you did it in the KA, Boy you must have wound it up tight.

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire and Phil, Hope you had a great Bank Holiday weekend and belated birthday wishes Phil. We're having a wonderful time in Italy and are in Rome at the moment. Yesterday it was 34degrees, hot, hot, hot. We love the place but the internet is c*** and the drivers are loonies........ love Alan and Sue XXXXXXX

Claire said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes Geoff and well as for mad driving, will Phil ever learn??? No!!

Good to hear from you Sue & Alan; we have been wondering how you two were getting along. I am so jealous! It's cold and wet here in England unlike Rome. Keep in touch where you C&Pxxxx

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