Monday, 7 June 2010

Sun, Stars & Study

Good news; Phil’s dad was discharged from hospital on Friday.   Phil and his mum went to visit and the doctor told them that George could go home.  Unfortunately they had to wait 2 hours for the doctor to do the paperwork which meant that it was teatime before Phil got to Melton.   The traffic was heavy which wasn’t altogether surprising given that it was Friday and half term as well.  Phil stayed for a cup of tea with his mum & dad to give the traffic a chance to ease off before he got in the car and made his way back to MK.  It was gone half seven by the time he walked through the door and he was completely shattered.  All in all, a long worrying week and a lot of miles driving.

Given the trauma, our weekend was a slow and gentle one.  I had planned to spend sometime in the garden but although it was warm and humid, it wasn’t really sunbathing weather, least it wasn’t when I when out in the back garden to check.   I wasn’t too bothered, after my mole check, I feel a little weird about spending time in the sun.

On Saturday morning, Phil got stuck into his studying.   He is very behind with his course and has an assignment to get in very soon.  Unfortunately, the soaring temperatures in the conservatory meant that he had to give up at midday.  For lunch we had chicken cooked on the barbeque with salad and new potatoes.   I tried to resist the new potatoes but failed miserably, as is my downfall. In the afternoon, Phil caught up with his TV recordings and I went to the gym.  I spent hours and hours in the gym last week but haven’t lost a pound.   Take Friday, I spent 2 hours in the gym, half an hour with weights at home and I also took an early evening walk around the canal.   And no pounds lost.   I feel like I am fighting a loosing battle.

Harriet came round at tea time on Saturday; I think she was at a loss for something to do.   We watched the last episode of ‘Come Dine With Me’ and then Phil cooked him & HH pancakes while I walked to the shops for milk.   I didn’t partake in the pancakes, I do like them but I find them very easy to resist.  Once fed, Harriet said her goodbyes and went home to watch the final of Britain’s Got Talent which we watched as well.   My sister sent me an email on Friday to say that BGT was the highlight of her Saturday evening.   We are all very sad in our family!

Sunday was also a laid back day.  It was a clear, warm day but again the sun wasn’t out.  We woke up just before eight thirty to some strange sounds coming from the garden.   Phil got up and opened the blinds only to find Neil our next door neighbour lying on a mattress in his back garden in his pyjamas smoking a roll up, whilst reading the News of the World and sipping from a can of beer.  Most bizarre, even more so because it was so early in the morning and the sun wasn’t even out.  There’s none so weird as folk, especially in this cul-de-sac!

I had meant to go to the gym on Sunday but I was so disillusioned after jumping on the scales, that I thought, sod it, I may as well jump off the bandwagon for one last day and start again on Monday.  Phil was in the mood for a duvet day and this is just what we did, although he did manage a few hours of study before reverting back to the reclining sofa and the TV in the lounge.   He did cook us steak and baked potatoes for lunch and we nibbled throughout the day and into the evening.  Very naughty.

And so, here we are, another Monday and another jobless start to the week.  Phil didn’t get the contract in Tring that he was hopeful about, they gave it someone that had more recent experience, which is fair enough.  I had a rejection letter in the post and there was only one job in the paper this week for me to apply for.  We shall just have to keep trying, there has to be someone out there who is willing to employ us, surely? I am forever the optimist, especially after reading my horoscope in the Mail’s You Magazine yesterday. For Cancer it read:

With Jupiter, a planet of success, forming a rare conjunction with Uranus, planet of sudden change, something unexpected will happen  over the next few days that will give you new hope regarding your work or career.  Maybe things are not as bad as you thought.  Maybe it was only your negative attitude that made them seem bad”.

So let’s hope this is the week that it all happens. If my horoscope is right, seems all I have to do is change my attitude.

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