Just look at these results; Labour got 29% of the voting population whilst LDP got lower than expected at 23% of the voting population; just 6% lower than Labour. These percentages translated into 258 seats for Labour and 57 seats for LDP or Labour won over 450% more seats than LDP. How can that be right? I’m sure that if the LDP had won more votes than Labour they would still have won far less seats than them. I ask again, “Why should one vote be worth so much more than any other?”

And when will Gordon Brown leave 10 Downing Street? He’s lost; even if he were to form a coalition with LDP he still wouldn’t have enough votes for a majority government. And how would the public feel about the 2 losers forming a government, net alone a minority one? No party had enough votes to win outright but one thing for sure was that Brown was voted out. The last time we were in this position was when Wilson won a minority government over Ted Heath, Ted wouldn’t leave Downing Street either. He almost barricaded himself in and was there until the Monday; it looks like Brown is after his record this time. He really is a “desperate politician”.

I feel that the most important thing to remember about politics is, never get fanatical about it. Don’t treat political parties like a football club where you support one side until you die. Grow up, and evaluate the situation each time you need to and be prepared to change according to yours and your countries circumstances. For our countries sake, let’s hope that these two leaders have the maturity to overcome their differences and work together to solve our current problems. Let’s hope that the public have the maturity to support them if they do. The one thing that has made the human race so successful is our ability to work together towards one aim.
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