The week just gone has gone by in a blink of an eye but I don’t mind much it’s a step nearer to our holiday; I can’t say it’s been a terribly exciting one but I seemed to have busy on one project or another. On Wednesday we drove down to the village of Milton, just the other side of Cambridge to meet up with step dad John and Marie to say, what we thought was our last goodbye before they cross the channel next week in their campervan to spend the winter in La Manga in Spain. We met at The White Horse at midday for lunch, I know they don’t normally do ‘lunch’ but we do eat our main meal at midday (it’s so much better for you by the way) so both John and Marie went along. As we were chatting and I was telling them about our plan to give Georgina the red Ford KA, step dad suggested that I might perhaps want to borrow their silver Ford Fiesta, because, after all it was only going to sit in their drive for 4 months over the winter. Well, naturally, I didn’t have to think too hard before saying “yes please”!!! Me and Phil had talked, long and hard, about deciding to give the KA to Georgina and had planned just to make do with the Land Rover, but whilst, it would be saving us money just having the one car, I had my reservations. I don’t find it easy driving the Freelander, much preferring a little car, and did have concerns that I would be stranded whilst Phil went out and did his own thing. So this was the perfect solution and very kindly, step dad and Marie have already sorted out the insurance and we are driving down to Suffolk next weekend to collect the Fiesta. Sorted!
Whilst we were driving back from Cambridgeshire I took a call on Phil’s iPhone4 from Louise the diabetes nurse to say that she had Phil’s prostrate results. On the advice from my sister Lou I had made him go for a prostrate test and the results had come back and were not good. Men of a certain age do suffer with prostrate problems and Phil has to go back to the surgery to discuss the results after Louise has conferred with the doctor. Yes, I am little concerned but no point in worrying at this stage until we know, just what we are dealing with.
On Thursday Phil picked up G from Roade and drove to Melton Mowbray to visit his mum and dad for the day. He took Mr Tom Tom and G drove all the way cross country so that was really good practice for her before she takes her test on the 22nd of November. They all went to lunch at The Flying Childers but by Phil’s account it was wasn’t too wonderful. Phil was able to fit his mum and dads bathroom heater whilst he was back at home so at the least he made himself useful.
My gym visits this week have been regular but not very strenuous. I did, however manage a 5k run today but my hamstring afterwards was pretty sore. I can’t wait until I’m back to full fitness, I’m frustrated that I can’t do what I want to do. It’s pretty much my own fault because it’s all down to over exercise. God wish that Phil suffered from the same problem, although saying that, he did spot a fitness bike on sale in the DW shop that he pointed out to me. I may buy it as a surprise; it won’t fit in the lounge but would easily fit into the conservatory and well, maybe 2 hours biking whilst watching the plasma may just aid his weight loss, which I might add is not going great. Since being diagnosed with DB2 Phil has lost only one pound!
On Friday Phil had to go to the travel clinic for his Typhoid injection but when he was there the consultant managed to persuade him to have Tetanus top up along with a flu jab. I personally don’t believe in the flu jab and Phil himself said that the only one time he had it about 20 years ago, he suffered with the worst flu that he’d ever had! When he told me that, I resolved to myself that from now on in, I will go along with him to every doctor-cum-nurse appointment that he has. He needs someone to question the results and decide on the best way forward and that person is me!
We’ve been pretty healthy in lunches this week and Friday and Saturday I’ve done chicken noodles. I’ve pretty much got this down to a 45 minute process and the results are fairly good even if I do say so myself. The bedroom project is pretty much almost finished. When Phil returned from his injections I forced him to put the feed on my new Dwell high gloss unit in the bedroom. It wasn’t difficult and it looks fabulous and even Phil agreed that it looked better when raised off the floor. All I need to do is get new bedding, which is already on order, and it will be project complete. Phil couldn’t go to the gym on Friday morning because of his jabs but I did make him walk to the city centre on Friday afternoon to watch a movie. We saw ‘Paranormal Activity’ not our first choice but it fitted the time slot. It was okay but VERY SCARY and I totally embarrassed myself by screaming very loud and hard. The people along the same row as were laughing their socks off at me and I had to make sure we left the cinema just as the credits rolled. I scare so easily and it reminded me of why I don’t watch scary films in public. At one point I totally freaked out and accidentally scratched Phil’s jabbed arm in terror, he wasn’t very impressed and neither was I frankly when I saw the red blood stained indentation afterwards.
This morning Phil did come with me to the gym and afterwards we went upstairs to the DW shop because they had a sale and we had a £5 voucher off. Phil got 3 t-shirts, 2 shorts and 4 pairs of socks for the bargain price of 30 quid. Lunch was teriyaki noodles with chicken and afterwards I went to the city centre to do some Christmas shopping. I don’t know if anyone of you ventured up there but boy was it packed. My main mission was to go to Superdrug to get my eyebrows and upper lip threaded. The girl there was good and it wasn’t too painful although I had to walk round with a red face for the next couple of hours. I am in dire need of a leg, bikini and underarm waxing but I’m trying to hang on until next week. It’s so bad, I resemble a monkey and I’m not sure how long I can last; soooo embarrassing, I think I need to make an appointment ASAP.
It’s seems strange posting on a Saturday night and I didn’t think I had so much to say, certainly not 2 A4 pages in Word and 1,345 on word count, but hey, that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Need to sign off very soon though as we have been invited to Sandy ’s Halloween party across the cul-de-sac and I need to get ready. I’ve already brought my Halloween sweets for trick or treating tomorrow night and stupidly put them out ready in a dish. I say stupidly because I had quite forgotten that I had a naughty little sugar rush school boy living in the same house that simply can’t resist. I need to take them away and put them out of sight because come tomorrow evening all the little children will have nothing to put in their sacks. Happy Halloween everyone and don’t forget to put your clocks back tonight!